Full Stack Software Engineer (Full-time)

At TDR Brands we provide product-minded developers with fun projects to work on, as well as the flexibility and freedom to continue working on their own goals (be it recording an album, crafting your next app, or raising the newest member of your family) 
We choose our clients and projects carefully. Every product we build requires us to tackle new and exciting challenges. We reject the idea that software development has to feel like a grind.


We are looking for a seasoned full-stack engineer to build out and manage our entire web infrastructure. Successful candidates will have a minimum of three years’ recent experience with all of the skills listed below.

Our project entails implementing our pre-approved UI, constructing our API, connecting the two, and setting up our server infrastructure. This includes all associated areas such as database and architecture design.


  • Design and implementation of the overall web architecture
  • “Pixel-perfect” implementation of our approved user interface
  • Design and deployment of our database
  • Ensuring the entire stack is designed and built for speed and scalability
  • Design and construction of our REST API
  • Integrating our front-end UI with the constructed API
  • Design and implementation of continuous integration and deployment

  • At least three years’ experience with:
  • Experience in building Native & Hybrid Front end applications.
  • Proficient use of React Native & Flutter Frameworks
  • Proficient knowledge of a back-end programming language {{Having knowledge of one or more of these: PHP, Laravel, Python, NodeJS, Ruby, Java, .NET, JavaScript etc.}}
  • Database design and management, including being up on the latest practices and associated versions
  • Server management and deployment for the relevant environment
  • Ideally, familiarity with CSS preprocessors, bundlers, and associated languages/syntaxes/libraries {{ e.g., Sass, Less, and webpack }}
  • Thorough understanding of user experience and possibly even product strategy
  • Experience implementing testing platforms and unit tests
  • Proficiency with Git {{ or another version control system as required }}
  • Appreciation for clean and well documented code


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